Since our beginning in 2013, we have abided by our tagline to, Share Life and Shine Light. 


We believe that the best and richest life is deep in relationships. Simply put, we are better together. Sharing Life is about cultivating healthy relationships for the mountaintops and valleys of life. It is investing time with people who can know our story and support us along the way. 


Shining Light captures our God-given desire to make an impact on the people around us. We love to help people discover their God-given gifts, passions and unique DNA that will maximize their ability to shape our city. Since 2013, we have given away almost $500,000 to city, national and international partners. We love creating opportunities for you to Shine Light near and far! 





City Church exists to help people follow Jesus. Jesus is the most significant person in history, and eyewitnesses documented his teachings, miracles and plans to establish the church. Although each of us is imperfect, Jesus offers a new and better way to live. His way brings peace in chaos, meaning amidst uncertainty and unity in diversity. We would love to help you find and follow Jesus within a community of people who want more for ourselves, our families, our city, and the cities of the world.



City Church is guided by five primary values:

JESUS:  We Magnify Jesus. 

COMPASSION:  We Shine God's Love.

NEXT GENERATION:  We Pass the Baton.

EXCELLENCE:  We Honour God with our Best.

GENEROSITY:  We Invest in the Eternal. 


Come and see how these values shape our culture and how it makes City Church unique.


Cities drive the world. Metropolitan areas are filled with global citizens who export their goods and culture across continents. Canada is one of the most urbanized countries of the world as over a third of our country live in just three cities. To impact the world, we must start by serving our neighbours. As we serve Montreal, our graduates, entrepreneurs and leaders are impacting the world. Our vision is to impact cities in Canada, and cities around the world with the hope of Jesus Christ.


Chris McGregor

Lead Pastor

Pastor Chris and Yanci founded City Church alongside seventeen people on September 15, 2013. Chris loves being a dad to his two sons, espresso and running. He loves to see people discover their purpose and value through Jesus.

Yanci Yarbrough

Creative and Missions Director

Yanci leads our worship and tech teams, and provides leadership for our outreach in our city, country and world. She is a big broadway fan, and loves to travel. Yanci enjoys the rich diversity of our city, and lives to help people encounter God through music.

Leah Shadbolt

Next Gen Director

Leah leads our kids and students from toddlers through the end of high school. She loves biking, adventuring to great eateries and hanging with her friends. She loves partnering with parents to help our next generation thrive in our great city.